Feedback Thoughts
After reading a few articles on constructive criticism, I realized how much of a perfectionist I can be at times. The first, " Recalibrating the Perfectionist Mind" put into perspective how much others' opinions are really needed to make my writing better. Improving my own work must have outside eyes in order to see mistakes I cannot see, and I have to realize that it's okay for my first draft to have a few errors. In this article, perfectionism is almost seen as a cripple because students, athletes, and performers are so caught in the initial performance that they don't actually improve. This mindset is going to have to be something I overcome while I allow others to comment on my blog and projects for this class.
Also, "Silence the Critical Voices In Your Head" seems to grasp the concepts of the first one very closely. Perfectionists always tend to be their own worst critic, and I have wanted to give up on things in the past because my work wasn't perfect. Others around me, as previously stated, could potentially see things that I cannot see, so I need to work on my humility and allow my work to be under the eyes of my classmates.

Perfectionism is stagnation because it doesn't allow your own work to be further critiqued by others with a different perspective.
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