Time Strategies

Although I have a few weaknesses as far as studying goes, I believe time management is one of my strengths. Because I have to continually study for the LSAT in addition to completing work for my classes, I have found a few time strategies that work for me personally. The main part of my strategy that I implement each day is the use of my planner. I write EVERYTHING in my planner: it is like an hour-by-hour summary of my day. I see myself as a very structural person (which is not great when I need to be flexible and plans change), but it has been extremely helpful when making time to complete my assignments. I write my assignments and studying in order of due date to make sure one does not get completed too close to the deadline, and I always complete the most difficult task first.
Image result for swallow the big frog first

I attended an outstanding leadership conference, SLU, and learned how to "swallow the big frog first" and complete the most difficult tasks before the easier ones. 

Reading other articles on time management has been very helpful in addition to my personal strategies, and I have learned that the best way to manage my own time is to work when I work the best. I am so much more productive and focused in the morning, so I love to finish my toughest LSAT studying in the morning. I complete easier assignments later in the day when I am running out of time. Other articles, such as How Unsuccessful People Mismanage their Time, shows how the importance of a routine and ritualistic-type schedule really does work best for time management. I am lucky to naturally have that gift, but I know many of my peers do not. I also thought this article, Why Time Management is Ruining Lives was very interesting; so many students struggle with stress but still allow things to pile up (which leads to even more stress). 

Just like learning about personal growth, I absolutely love learning how to improve my well being. I am always looking for new and improved ways to manage my time in college, so I will continue looking for new strategies in addition to the ones I put into practice each day. 


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