Topic Brainstorm
Four Different Topics I am Interested In: 1. Dashartha: The Hunting Accident I began looking for certain stories that might could become a court trial or a murder mystery or something of that nature, and I came across Dashartha . Dashartha kills a boy while hunting, which was supposedly an accident, so I could invent a story where a defense attorney will work for Dashartha. On the other hand, I could tell the story from the attorney who the blind parents hire to get their revenge on Dashartha (they could sue them maybe?). When Dashartha goes off to war, I could create a new twist on the story. Of course, this is just a brainstorming assignments, but I want to possibly write my storybook or portfolio about a story such as this. 2. Krishna I would begin just as the story begins: Krishna's parents in imprisoned by King Kamsa, and I would tell the story of Krishna's miraculous birth. Potentially, this could be a lifetime story or a diary of Kr...