My name is Leigh McBride, and I am a junior here at OU. I am a philosophy major, and I am hoping to attend law school after graduation. I love my classes, but I will have an extremely difficult year due to my upcoming LSAT test date next June. My DREAM LAW SCHOOL is the University of Texas in Austin, but it is one of the hardest schools to get into in the southern half of the country. My dad graduated from UT with a bachelors in business and education, so I have always (secretly) been a longhorn. Everything I do this year will directly work towards my dream school! But always, I will always be a Sooner first and foremost: it is where I chose to attend my undergraduate years, so it will always be my true home. 

This spot is where I took my family pictures each year 

This year, I will be mostly studying for the LSAT, but I still work two jobs and participate in my sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. I live in the Theta house this year with 85 of my best friends, and we are all studying and helping each other with staying on track for future success. One of my jobs on campus is being a PTA for a Gateway class; I love to work with freshman (especially their first semester) because of my past experiences at OU. In addition to that job, I am also a University Tour Guide. Being a tour guide is my favorite part of my college career—I get the opportunity to learn everything about OU as well as share what I love most about this place to prospective students.

Despite the fact that I have so many commitments and activities, I still try to find time to myself. Reading and exercising are my biggest sources of stress relief, and I love spending time with my friends and sorority sisters. Relationships with my friends and my family are the two most valuable things to me, so I will put those above any activity of accomplishment I have. Coming to college was extremely difficult for me, since I was moving two hours from my hometown, Wichita Falls, TX. Also I don’t miss the West Texas dust and hot sun, I do miss my family every day. I have two wonderful parents (who recently 
celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary), and a brother, Charlie, who is a senior in high school. Although I am VERY close with my dad and my brother, my mom and I have an unbreakable relationship with each other. Especially my freshman year, I missed her more than I missed anything or anyone else, so we have began to grow our relationship in a different way. My family and my best friends are my biggest supporters as I work towards my goal of UT Law.

This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at the Wichita County District Attorney’s Office. During my time in the DA’s office, I participated in case research, trial observations, and direct contact with DA’s, defense lawyers, and judges. This internship allowed me to see how a lawyer practices every day, and it was a great indicator that this career choice is the perfect one for me.

This image was taken on my first murder trial date this summer

My two years at the University of Oklahoma have been full of mountains as well as some valleys. I love telling students on my tour that I love this university because the people here will walk with you through the valleys and celebrate with you during your mountains. As I enter my junior year, I am excited to finally be determined in my future plans and content with the person I have grown to be.


  1. A philosophy major: that is so cool, Leigh! I do not meet so many philosophy majors. And I wish you good luck with the LSAT your law school application: my dad lives in Austin (I was born there), and he lives in an apartment downtown; you can see the clock tower from his building. I will think good thoughts for you when I am on that campus! And maybe you will want to do a law-inspired project for this class. Here's something to ponder: a year or so ago, a lawyer in India took Rama to court (yes, Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana that we will be reading... a story from thousands of years ago)... pretty wild, huh? You can read about it here: Bihar court agrees to hear case against Lord Ram, see how Twitter reacted ... the epic characters are very much alive in contemporary India!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Leigh! :D It's so exciting to meet other people who also want to go to law school. I'm glad you already have an idea of where you want to go, because Lord knows I don't..... but I'll figure it out:) Looks like we'll both have a tough year of studying hard, but I know we'll make it through. Also, we live across the street from each other - I'm in the AGD house!

  4. Hey Leigh! Philosophy was actually my major when I first started college, but I couldn't handle the abstracts. But I'm glad you seem able to handle it. Congrats on taking part in your first few trials, and good luck on the LSAT, although I wouldn't recommend going anywhere in Texas for an education ;)

  5. Hi Leigh!

    I'm so glad that I got to read your page! I'm a senior and I took the LSAT this June so I totally understand the stress level!! My stress went from about 1000% to zero after I took it so you have that to look forward to! If you are already studying, you are way ahead of the game and I'm sure your score will reflect that. One of my best friends just started at UT and really enjoys it so far. If I can be of any help or offer any advice please let me know!


  6. Hi Leigh! Philosophy is such a cool major! I feel like it's the cousin of the English major (my major). It's so amazing that you've figured out what you want to do and are doing so much to work toward it. I admire that! And I've gotta say, you've got office chic down to a T. I also love your mountains and valleys thing. Things change, and we've gotta roll with it. Such pretty words!

  7. Hey Leah, I had no idea you were taking this class too! That's awesome! I'm looking at going to UT Austin for grad school too, but in Higher Education! I'm also a PTA for Gateway too! What're the odds?! That's really great about your summer internship. I look forward to reading your stories throughout the semester!! TLAM :)

  8. Hi, Leigh!
    Philosophy sounds like an interesting major. I also have an upcoming DAT test next week. I am struggling a little, because I can’t really do much studying with all my classes and work. Wow, It appears to me that you are really involved on campus with your jobs. I am glad that you are enjoying your jobs. Good Luck on your LSAT test!

  9. Hi Leigh!

    Good luck on the LSAT! One of my best friends has hers next week, so I have been hearing about how stressful it is from her. You seem very driven so I am sure you will have no problem with it at all! I definitely (low key) understand the love for UT Austin. I go to Austin every year to visit friends and it is such a fun place. My younger sister who is a senior in high school is deciding between there and OU right now, and I would be happy for her either way!

    Kayleigh Zemaitis

  10. Hi, Leigh! I think a Philosophy major is one of the coolest things ever - I'm a Religious Studies major myself, and I totally understand the beauty that people find in philosophy. I also really wish you luck in studying for and taking the LSAT - I, myself, took the MCAT last week, so I know the kind of stress you might be experiencing! I'm sure you'll do amazing, though. I also find your passion for law quite inspiring; its good to know that there will be passionate, driven lawyers like you in the future!

  11. Hi Leigh!! I about had a heart attack when you said you wanted to go to UT's law school.. and that you were secretly a longhorn, but then you redeemed yourself when you said you are a sooner first and foremost ;). You're here at OU and thats all that really matters! I love that you get to work with freshman during some of the most life changing moments in their college career. I remember it being so encouraging having students that were older than me talk through what it was like for them coming to OU. Good luck with your LSAT and getting into UT!! Wishing you the very best!

  12. Hi Leigh,
    It is great getting to know you. You have very impressive aspirations, and I hope you can go achieve all of them! That is great you have a dream school, even if it is at our rival Texas. I lived in Austin this summer for an internship and it was a great time. You'll have a ton of fun because there is endless amounts to do down there. It was great getting to know you and I hope you have a great semester, best of luck!

  13. Hey Leigh,

    I just want to start off by saying, you are going to do amazing on your LSAT! Keep working hard and remember you can do more than you think you can. Also, I am kind of in your same boat, I am here at OU and my family went to BAMA and LSU. It is great that you have so much love for your family. I think our generation sometimes get wrapped up in everything else and don't value family as much as they should. Keep up the great work!

  14. Hi Leigh!

    It is so cool that you are aspiring to become a lawyer! I do not think I have met too many like that in my whole time attending OU. Even so, it's great you got to work up close and personal with the whole law process and that it reinforced your wanting to attend law school! I still have yet to be able to intern for my own major...
    I wish you luck on your LSAT!

  15. Hey Leigh!

    Fancy seeing you here. ☺ Congrats on working with the DA’s office over the summer! That is so cool and it sounds like such a wonderful experience. I am sure that really helped give you some insight on the field you want to work in. It sounds like you have such a busy year ahead, but it is great that you have such a great support system. Junior year is always hard. Good luck on the LSAT! I am sure you will do great.

  16. Leigh,
    As sad as it is that you are a longhorn I won't hold it against you. I think it is really cool that you are wanting to go to law school as that is a huge commitment but obviously something you would love to do. Continue to work hard at achieving the goals you set for yourself and making into your dream school. Cant wait to read more of your work and as always Boomer Sooner!

  17. Hey Leigh,
    My condolences on how much work you have to do! I have heard from so many people that their Junior year is the hardest year of college and being a senior this year I can confirm that it does get easier once you get over that hump. Good luck on your LSAT, I'm very lucky that y degree doesn't require any massively important test, but I have so many friend who are just constantly stressing over it. You seem to be handling it quite well though!

  18. Leigh, you seem like a very motivated person. Your family sounds supportive of your goals, and it is nice that you are so close to them. Philosophy is a cool major, and aiming to get into the University of Austin is ambitious. It sounds like you know what you want. Also, when I was in middle and high school, I loved the tours of OU that I took. It's great that you get to show others around the beautiful campus. Good luck this year.

  19. Hi Leigh! That's amazing and awesome that you're so career goal driven!! I wish I had it figured out with what I want to do in my career. It's great having that ambition. You're head strong and that makes you sound like a wonderful person! Family and friends are definitely life, I wouldn't trade them for anything, through thick and thin. It's also great how supportive they are of you; it's always nice to know they'll always have your back. I can only imagine how difficult it is being away from home, I've done it for a few months at a time, but I know I couldn't do it longer than that. You have so much ahead of you, I wish you the best of luck the rest of the semester and your future to come! It was great meeting you, can't wait to see your work!

  20. Hiii Leigh!

    I completely understand your worry about a difficult year; I'm also a junior going into Pre-Medicine and will have to take the MCAT this year too, so we're in a similar situation :p
    You also seem super involved, and I think that is amazing! It can be hard to balance out school, social life, and campus involvement, but it looks like you are keeping up nicely :)

    It must be hard being away from family for so long too! But I bet your experience is of great help to people in the Gateway class you TA for, since many freshmen might also be going through some of the same stuff!

    Good luck in everything this year and in the future! I look forward to reading some of your stories soon! :)

  21. Hi Leigh!

    You are such an active person, I couldn't imagine constantly doing all of the things you do. I think it's great that you have a plan and are willing to put in the work to get to your dream school. It definitely helps with staying focused and getting through the valleys that you talked about. I'm sure it's hard being away from your family, but you've almost finished another semester.
    Good luck with your LSAT!

  22. Hi Leigh! I love how involved you are with campus, your career, family, and yourself! You seem to know very well what you are passionate about. Your internship sounds like a huge learning and hands on experience. The LSAT sounds scary, but I’m sure you’ll kill it! Working out is definitely one of my go to’s for stress relief, as well! Good luck with your future plans! You’ll do great!

  23. Hi Leigh! I hope your semester has been going well. I feel like a philosophy major is good direction to go if you're hoping to pursue a career in law. I have quite a few friends who go just began at OU Law this semester. Also, I think its awesome that you confide in your family when things get really hectic. Sometimes we can make a lot of commitments in college, so it is important to have a solid support system. Moreover, I hope this upcoming comes a lot easier than you expect and I wish you luck on the LSAT!

  24. Hey Leigh! Wow, I'm so surprised that I'm just now coming across your blog page. University of Texas law school would DEFINITELY be amazing. My cousin graduated from there.
    What an amazing opportunity for an internship, that's so cool. I bet you learned so much.
    Also, a few of my best friends go to Midwestern State and currently live in Wichita Falls, so it's cool that's where you're from.
    Good luck to you on your LSAT (if you haven't already taken it) and the rest of this semester!

  25. Hey Leigh! I think that it is pretty cool that you are hoping to go to law school. I have a friend who got into OU law and she loves it. I remember when she was studying for her LSATs and her free time revolved around studying for it every chance she had. It was nice to meet you!

  26. Hi Leigh. I have always had a little bit of interest in learning about law. I never really thought about it as a major but I have always wanted to learn more about it nonetheless. That is interesting that you came to OU when you have so much interest in Texas. My dad also went to Texas for a couple of year but ended up transferring and graduating from another school, so I don;t really have any connection to UT. I hope you do well on your LSAT and get into your dream school! Good Luck!

  27. Hey, Leigh! It is awesome that you aspire to be a lawyer. Here lately I have met a lot of pre-law students, I think it is great. I think it is great that you realize the importance of taking time for yourself. Relaxing with a good book is a great way to de-stress and keep your sanity. I hope your semester has gone well, have a wonderful winter break!


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